How to Protect Your Linux Server Using IPTABLES

Unfortunately, there are many instances of server hacking. Due to this fact, utilizing a firewall is essential to enhance network security. You can increase the protection for your server by using Iptables to configure the firewall. Iptables is a firewall utility for Linux-based operating systems, which many Linux distros, like Rocky Linux and … [Read more...]

How to Protect Your Linux Server Using IPTABLES

Unfortunately, there are many instances of server hacking. Due to this fact, utilizing a firewall is essential to enhance network security. You can increase the protection for your server by using Iptables to configure the firewall. Iptables is a firewall utility for Linux-based operating systems, which many Linux distros, like Rocky Linux and … [Read more...]

Intellectual Property Rights and Linux Development

As we delve into the realm of Linux development, understanding Intellectual Property (IP) Rights becomes critical. Navigating this maze can ensure a fair, respectful, and legally sound environment within the global open-source community. This article aims to provide valuable insights into IP laws and how they intersect with the world of Linux … [Read more...]

Understanding the Removal of the QLogic 10Gb “QLGE” Ethernet Driver from the Linux Kernel

How to Respond to the Removal of QLogic 10Gb “QLGE” The Linux Kernel, the heart of the Linux operating system, is known for its extensive driver support that ensures compatibility with a wide range of hardware devices. However, maintaining such a vast array of drivers is no small feat, and occasionally, certain drivers may be deemed no … [Read more...]

Pro Tips for Maximizing Firestore GUI Client Efficiency

(Source: Christin Hume. Unsplash) A vital aspect of database management is the Firestore GUI client, which provides a methodical and user-friendly way to navigate Firestore databases. In this article, we will examine the idea of Firestore GUI clients, stress their importance in streamlining Firestore database administration, highlight their key … [Read more...]

Unveiling the Art of Designing Prolific Digital Products for the Linux Ecosystem

The burgeoning technological era has thrust the Linux operating system (OS) into the limelight, primarily for its robustness, security, and open-source nature. Linux has garnered appreciation not only in the digital product design consultancy field but also from organizations that lean on its extensive capabilities. To design for Linux, therefore, … [Read more...]

Essential Cybersecurity Tools for Linux in 2023

In today’s digital happenings, taking serious cybersecurity measures is crucial to protect sensitive information from cybercriminals, especially for corporate organizations with high levels of digital data storage. A popular open-source operating system, Linux offers a solid foundation for building secure systems. However, to bolster its … [Read more...]

A guide to app redesign: Making it evolve!

If you want your app to be a long-standing one, you should adapt it to the environment. Times change, and user tastes are changing with them, too. New technologies and advances in user experience research provide new standards for what modern apps should be. Ignoring them means giving your opponents a cue to overcomplete you. The guide to app … [Read more...]

Data Security and Privacy in Cloud Migration

Cloud-based computing has revolutionized the way businesses operate. It provides secure data storage as well as cost-efficient access to vast amounts of information. There is a need for organizations to understand both aspects of data security and privacy when transitioning from an on-premises environment to a cloud environment. Some cloud … [Read more...]

Why Open Source Operating Systems Are Utilised by Hackers the Most?

The popularity of open source operating systems (OS) is evident in various tech circles. However, it’s intriguing to note how they particularly resonate with the hacker community. Let’s delve deeper into the reasons why hackers find open source OSs to be their platform of choice. Transparent Source Code Open source systems stand out due to … [Read more...]

Linux OS and VPN: An Unbeatable Combination

Most Linux OS users, especially beginners, often wonder if they need a VPN on Linux. The answer depends on how and where you use your devices. In some conditions, a VPN is simply necessary, in others it is simply desirable. However, there are no conditions in which private browsing would be unnecessary or even harmful. Here is our vision of the … [Read more...]

5 Reasons to Switch to Remote Work of DevOps Engineers

Do you work in an office, but you would like to work from anywhere? This is quite real.If you are truly a professional in your field (you know how to work with Linux and other operating systems) you will be able to realize your potential both in the office and outside of it. Are you still hesitating about whether you should change your work format? … [Read more...]

Synergizing Compliance and Computing: Pharmaceutical Accounting Software on the Linux Platform

You’ve probably heard the term “compliance,” but what does it mean? Compliance is the act of being in accordance with a law or regulation. In many cases, compliance means that you have to record every action you take and be able to show evidence of those actions if asked by regulators. This can be difficult when using … [Read more...]

What does a job as a remote Linux administrator entail: how to become a professional, and the skills you need?

Remote Linux Administrator Jobs: Balancing Flexibility and Technical Excellence Information technology professionals can choose any field they like. In particular, the profession of remote Linux administrator is gaining popularity lately – more and more companies need this specialist, but there are few applicants in the labor market. To … [Read more...]

3 Reasons Why Linux is the Best Choice to Achieve Optimal System Security

With technological advancements, hackers are becoming increasingly adept at identifying vulnerabilities and gaps in security systems. This makes unauthorized access to secure data and files prevalent, underscoring the critical importance of robust application security measures. This susceptibility to breaches is especially true today, as … [Read more...]

How To Create Groups in Linux: A Step-by-Step Guide

Linux makes it easy to give users varied access levels and assign them specific responsibilities. All you have to do is create groups specifying the permissions you want to give the users and then put the users in the group.  But what exactly is a group in Linux? Are groups of different types? And how do you create them?  These are the questions we … [Read more...]