Add User to Sudoers File: A Step-by-step Guide

A Quick Introduction Before we learn how to add user to sudoers file, let us learn why it is important, the prerequisites, and the best practices as well. One of the many advantages of using Linux is the extensive RBAC (role based access control) capabilities. With different user roles and permissions, system security and multi-user … [Read more...]

Leveraging Linux/Unix for Preventing Repeat Signups in E-commerce

E-commerce websites face a range of challenges, from managing inventory to ensuring secure transactions. One often-overlooked issue is dealing with repeat signups, which can skew your data, overload your systems, and undermine marketing efforts. Protecting your website from this problem involves a combination of technical measures, user education, … [Read more...]

IP Classes: Understand IP Address Classes Better

With the advent of complex computing structures, cloud, containers, and new technologies everyday, the role of networking is irreplaceable. In the realm of networking, IP addresses play the most crucial role in identifying the devices and maintaining smooth communication across the world and even the International Space Station (ISS) as well. In … [Read more...]

Linux Reboot Command: A Comprehensive Guide with Alternatives

Gone are the days when rebooting a computer or server was done only when the device became unresponsive. Rebooting a Linux device is now a usual task that users have to perform for common reasons like troubleshooting, applying patches and updates, and to install new applications. In this article, let us take you through the linux reboot command, … [Read more...]

Vim Redo: The Handy Command that Saves the Day

As always, it is essential to understand what Vim is before we jump deep into its commands to understand the context better. Vim is a highly lauded configurable text editor that provides efficient text editing. In addition to being a no nonsense vanilla text editor, it also hosts a plethora of commands to further boost the productivity and … [Read more...]

RHEL 8: RedHat’s Flagship OS for Enterprises

RHEL 8 (RedHat Enterprise Linux series 8) is one of the most expected and celebrated series of operating system versions in the tech community. With the launch of RedHat’s series 8 operating system, RedHat offered enhanced reliability, performance, security, and deployment to organizations. In this article, let us learn if RHEL 8 is an ideal choice … [Read more...]

How to Change a Git Commit Message

What is a Git Commit Message Once you get deep into programming and software development. Tools known as version control systems such as Git are essential for developers. These tools provide a reliable way to track changes, collaborate with team members, and maintain code integrity.So exactly what is a git commit message? One of the key … [Read more...]

How to Create a Bootable USB from ISO Files  

Introduction Anyone using a PC today has faced issues with their operating system at least once. In today’s digital age, the ability to create a bootable USB drive from an ISO file has become an essential skill for IT professionals, system administrators, and tech-savvy users alike. There are many uses for creating a bootable USB drive. … [Read more...]

LS Command: Listing Files in Unix Systems

What is the LS Command? If you occasionally use Linux and Unix based operating systems, you have probably used the ‘ls’ command. The ‘ls’ command, is one of the most fundamental and frequently used commands in Unix and Unix-like operating systems. It’s primarily used to list files and directories in a system. … [Read more...]

Troubleshooting “Temporary Failure in Name Resolution”

Introduction When it comes to computer networking, there are few errors that are as frustrating as encountering a “Temporary Failure in Name Resolution” issue. This error can occur in various ways, whether you’re attempting to access a website, connect to a remote server, or perform any task that requires resolving a domain … [Read more...]

Git Amend Commit Message: Fixing Your Last Commit

Have you ever made a typo or written a completely wrong message on your last commit? Well don’t worry you can quickly fix this using the Git amend option. What is Git Amend? So what exactly is Git Amend? Git amend is a powerful feature in Git that allows you to modify your last commit. It’s particularly useful for fixing typos in … [Read more...]

LSOF: How to List Open Files in Unix Systems

What is LSOF? The LSOF command, which stands for “LiSt Open Files,” is a powerful command-line utility available on Unix and Unix-like operating systems. It provides a comprehensive view of all open files and the processes that have opened them. In Unix systems, “everything is a file,” including regular files, … [Read more...]

Introduction to Chmod Recursive

For users of Unix and Linux operating systems, managing file permissions is a vital aspect of system administration and security. There are numerous tools that you can deploy for this purpose. One of these tools is chmod recursive. This is a powerful and efficient command used for modifying permissions across entire directory structures. This … [Read more...]

Elementor Website Design Templates: Jumpstart Your Creative Process

Do you want the Elementor website design templates? Which things should you notice in the website designer portfolio? Elementor simplifies website creation for WordPress users with offerings of its hosting, templates and the Elementor plugin. Elementor Hosting provides a complete solution that integrates web hosting. It eliminates the need to … [Read more...]

Crash Course on Organizing Your Workday on Linux

As a Linux distribution user, you probably have higher than average standards when it comes to technology, your workdays, and your time in general. You favor customizable environments, security, and are willing to make the effort to get the most out of your tools. You’ve also made peace with the fact that some apps are not available for Linux at … [Read more...]

Unlock the Power Reverse Email Lookup With Linux: Improving Security and Scalability

Email is a major communication mode in today’s digital era. Whether you use it for personal interactions, commercial promotions, or professional data sharing, email is a vital tool for sharing information today. But with thousands of messages coming via email, it is quite difficult to discern the authenticity and origin of specific emails. That’s … [Read more...]