Hip, Hip, Hooray! Elastic (Almost) Comes Back Home to Open Source

Although Elastic plans to make Elasticsearch and Kabana open source again in the “upcoming weeks,” nothing is said about X-Pack, which will evidently continue to be only available under “fauxpen” licensing. … [Read more...]

Folks Must Not Be Subscribing to Leo or Buying Cryptocurrency, Because Brave Is Handing Out Pink Slips

An article in which our reporter tries to get Leo, Brave's chatbot, to spill the beans on what's really happening at Brave Software. … [Read more...]

What Microsoft’s Borking of Grub Says About Redmond’s ‘Love’ of Linux

Windows might not rule the day at Microsoft anymore, but it’s still a moneymaker and desktop Linux is still the competition. … [Read more...]

Linux Foundation Announces ‘Open Model Initiative’ to Promote Openly Licensed AI Models

While Open Source Initiative continues its work developing an open-source AI definition, LF has taken AI-based Open Model Initiative under its wings. … [Read more...]

Thanks to Nextcloud, FOSS Webmail Client Roundcube Now Has Support on Steroids

How Nextcloud came to the aid of a popular open source project, in part by getting three other open source projects involved. … [Read more...]

App for Migrating Away From Dead RHEL Clones Adds Scientific Linux Support

The lift and shift app, ELevate, for easily migrating away from no longer supported distros, adds Scientific Linux support as well as new features. … [Read more...]